
the heart breaks,
but out flows a stream of paper,
ink stained by the utterances of love.

1) i love the way you tickle my back, even when you're upset
2) i love how thoughtful you are; always coming up with new ways to make me smile
3) i love the way you dance. it's so fluid and perfect
4) i love the way you cook great meals,wait...
5) i love how much effort you put into pleasing me
6) i love watching movies with you; it's so comfortable
7) i love how you know everything! (i.e. teaching me new words or how to accurately order my coffee)
8) i love how you will go out of your way for people. it show how much you care and exemplifies authenticity.
9) i love that you have a set of values and moral; you're not a band geek
10) i love you, mostly...

may more hearts bleed for him in this

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