
Why can't I just be happy?

Calling upon the insidious point of always...break loose.

I know I am profoundly attached to far too many things.

I am a jealous person and I have this stupid suspicion that Lee and Chris may have done something of which I am not supposed to know.

I don't know, I just wane at the lacking of that romantic attention.


Once Again, The Sinking Empty

Once again, it seems like I am constantly unsure of Chris and I.
I hate this feeling.
This is reminding me of that month few weeks leading up to our original break and I cannot let myself think that that is going to happen again.

But I am frightened. I am scared to think that I'm going to drive in some kind of wedge with my actions. I cannot let myself hold this fear.

I need to talk to you, Chris.
I need to ask you my stupid questions and I need to hear that you love you.
Just say it.