
Sitting in a class where we talk about media

I'm finally jumping into a class that compels me (just a little).

Me and a small cadre of my die-hard Speech Comm friends are currently sitting in our favorite basement dungeon classroom getting ready to embark on a weekend crash course in journalistic bias and contemporary media literacy.

This may sound like a mouthful but the truth is that it's an amalgamation of many topics we've all already addressed in individual form via various and sundry other courses.
Needless to say I'm very much anticipating what these next three days are going to have in store for us.

For once I'm excited about school.

2 reaction(s):

E.Iguana said...

I have to do the same thing. I need to find interest cause it wanes so easily. Mine currently is to see the reaction of the 7'0" tall Russian student who has just discovered Oscar Wilde in my English class. Simple pleasures.

Noah Champion said...

I'm so incredibly happy to hear that you get to play audience to the literary enlightenment of a modern day giant.