

There comes a time in everyone's lives when the mere glimpse of sunlit bare branches through a skylight or windshield provides the simplest, most complete solace. As if everything is actually going to be alright. Everyone is going to make it. All is not for naught.

That is the place I find myself today. As the bright afternoon stretches on, crystal sky outlining the horizon with sharp, beautiful definition, there is so much possibility, so much potential. I'm happy. Just happy to be. My thoughts drift here and there, high and low, to and fro. And in my mind I'm at sea on the waves of an imagination unhindered by the worries of tomorrow, by the responsibilities of today, by the hurts of yesterday. I'm simply letting the sails lurch and tremble, popping haphazardly against the loose rigging.
And even with the buck and churn of daily disappointments there is an adventurousness to the trials where their foreboding and woe previously stood.

So here sit the tired bones of one with too many thoughts to count and too few misfortunes to bemoan. May this peace and calm be a theme of mine in the coming months and years.

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