
When that one person talks a little too much

I'm all for sharing personal anecdote.
I find them to be both poignant and easy to relate to.

But when anyone takes on the role of real-life-example-provider in a class full of students who are looking for an academic basis for their didactic reception let's just say that they become the primary source of my frustration.

I have to chuckle to myself to realize that I'm probably the one and only scrooge truly that misanthropic about someone just wanting to validate themselves by means of public self-exposure.

Thinking for a moment on that last line I have to admit I am by no means above reproach if I am in fact going to vilify those who are open books for the sake of feeling universally known.
As I recall, that very mindset is a steadfast tenet of my character.

So why am I so blithe to point a finger of heckling at the overweight mother all too eager to tell the class about her 5 year-old, pink-wearing, purse-carrying son?

It's probably due to the fact that I feel like the spot light is being in some way taken from me.
It's all about attention and gratification.

Now to gratify my need to quit the attention binge I've been on...

1 reaction(s):

Veronica . . . said...

:) I love it when my friends go beyond being honest to the world, to being honest with themselves. I don't know you well enough to say this is true or untrue about your character (the attention-seeking) but I applaud the effort behind this post. I find being honest with others so much easier than being honest with myself most days.