
Here I am, once again.
It's too late to be awake and too early to be asleep.

My mind is in such a messy turmoil.
Sure, I'm conniving and manipulative and jealous and angry and indignant and vengeful and bitchy and sad and buried and ugly and mean and judgmental and tired and bored and antsy and impatient and brilliantly prideful and painfully stupid.

So what?

Everyone really is, deep down... some point.

3 reaction(s):

E.Iguana said...

Based off this and the previous entry. I think we are living the same life.

On the train last night, all I could think of was, "It's easy for this guy to say he wants to get to know me for me. He's on anti-depressants that will balance out his moods. Why am I know on anti-depressants?"

I feel like I can't control any of my emotions to a lot of the time.


beauty blog!

Anonymous said...

amen to that!