I'm only just now returning from a night of completely unpredicted fun and frolic.
I worked for more than 12 hours and felt a keen sense of defeat in that I spent my day doing precisely jack squat.
That is, until the evening began.
I can honestly say that with the Sun's setting came the true start of my day.
Andie and I biked to my house where we deposited our personal items in order that we might attend a nearby party.
By nearby I mean a mere 3 blocks away.
We went, sat on a sloping grassy hillside, drank canned beer from a once ice-filled kiddie pool and kicked it with PDX's finest.
Afterwards, recognizing an unquenchable hunger, we biked to Original Hotcake House.
But not before Kyle had the opportunity to grace with a special little present in the form of a spoke card reading, "Kid-Tested, Mother Fuckin' Approved."
I felt pretty sweet.
And my shoddy-ass bike looked all the better for the addition.
I cannot wait to get a new bike.
Anyway, we went and ate artery-clogging goodness, talked about periods, incest, and Cholula, and had an all around smashing time.
We then went our separate ways home and now I am writing this.
Granted, I'm tired as Hell and completely beat.
Etiquette for an Apocalypse
12 years ago
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