There are moments in our communal lives during which we recognize an overarching sense of dissatisfaction.
We're not happy to simply accept whatever people have dictated as blatant and true.
We want to know more.
I am wont to be happy.
In that my happiness is based mostly on being comprehensively overcome with newness, with something other than the common.
I guess you might call it progressive bourgeois.
Even so, I am wanting.
Wanting and waiting.
Houston, we have a problem. Right?
Penned by Noah Champion at 02:10 0 reaction(s)
A woman sat across the small coffee shop engaged in a phone call to which she had no idea I played the unwitting eavesdrop.
She was filling out Christmas cards.
Penned by Noah Champion at 18:31 1 reaction(s)
I've decimated my fingernails.
I'm all dry skin, sour aches, and a dreadful feeling of empty lacking.
Once again I've come into contact with the part of me that so palpably experiences lost causes and failed attempts.
Saint Jude and I have a meeting today at four.
I've decided we should break up.
But drat it all, that Saint Jude has this insufferable ability to convince me we should stick together.
This is all drivel.
I write garbage. (Thank you E. Iguana)
I am writing more of it now.
I have zero motivation because it's all going to be the same.
Fuck everything.
Penned by Noah Champion at 14:33 3 reaction(s)