
Onto the next adventure

Tonight was officially my last evening working at Saucebox.

I wish I could say it felt bittersweet or something but the frank truth of the matter is that it's just that: frankly true.

It's not as if I'm going to quit seeing my friends from that place or that I'm going to be losing a valued means of income or some vital aspect of social connection.

I'm not too terribly traumatized by this change.
I feel a little numb about it.
I feel a little numb about everything right now.

Perhaps that will change as the weather continues to improve and I continue to finish all of the last bits of required work from this nearly through term of school.

I kind of hope so.

So, with all of the memories, strange occurrences, and mistakes as my souvenirs, I'm shipping off to new places, new people and new endeavors.

We'll see how long until I'm writing this same post about Portland as a whole.

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