
Oh, the (strange) cleverness of me

I've only just arrived from a thrilling walk home from work.
I say thrilling with every intent of corroboration.

I was alone. Truly alone.
I had my music and the knowledge of a warm, secluded space of my own to comfort me as I fought the bitter cold.

And step after step, song after song,
I arrived safely at my perch.

Here I sit, realizing with a warm gratitude, the things I have to be incredibly thankful for.
I have a home, a wonderful, perfect home with a loving and trustworthy best friend.
I also have a comfortable bed and glorious IKEA sheets that always remind me of Michelle.

On that note, I have Michelle.
She's kind, caring, full of honest and uninhibited love, and she's so heartbreakingly beautiful.

Following in like manner, I have Sean.
He's in every way the man of my dreams.
(Don't scoff at either the cliche nor my unhindered fawning).
He's so understanding and patient. He's so bravely vulnerable and willfully thoughtful.
He's humble and witty, handsome and sweet.
And I love him.

So much.

Sometimes, when I'm alone and all around me still seems to be in the midst of chaos, I just think of the times we've been asleep on each other's limbs. The calm and quiet of lessened bloodflow can lead to a queer and riveting sense of euphoria.

And to think we've only just begun to discover it.

And what a journey it promises to be.


2 reaction(s):

E.Iguana said...

I wish I had that too.

Mary said...

This post left me so optimistic. I certainly needed something to brighten my day--thank you