
Just when I thought it going so well...

Having entered class today with a rushed effort at what should have been a much more carefully crafted assignment, I felt a little self-conscious about actually handing the piece of paper to my professor.

Imagine my dismay at having him respond with a sound and thorough exhalation combined with a frown deep enough to be mistaken for the Mariana Trench.

I've now been informed that not only was the pivotal assignment completed incorrectly but I've got to finish the missing element by noon tomorrow.

And thus the camel's back did splinter.

I felt myself tumbling back into that familiar sense of overwhelmedness.
I started to make a mental checklist of all of the things I have looming above me and began to lose myself in the squalor clashing due dates, commitments, and too much to do in one sitting.

And then I started thinking about sunshine, the fast approaching Summer, and the fact that this would not be forever.

And I began to feel better.
Sort of.

I just need to take a deep breath and recognize that this is all going to work out just fine.
I just have to take it one task at a time.

You'd think I would have gotten this thing down by now.

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